Thursday, June 18, 2009

Coupon Terms

B1G1, BOGO, B1G1F – “Buy 1, Get 1 Free”

$/$$ - Dollars off wyb XX dollars

.50/1 - Fifty cents off one item

.50/3 - Fifty cents off 3 items

DND5 - Coupon says Do Not Double, but the bar code starts with a 5, most computers will still double it

NED - No Expiration Date

Blinkies - Coupon dispensed near product, in the store (usually from a “blinking” red box)

Catalina - Coupon dispensed at the register at the time of purchase (on separate paper)

Peelie - Coupon that you peel off the package

Tear Pad - Pad of refund forms or coupons found hanging from a store shelf or display

FAR - Free After Rebate

IP - Internet Printable (a coupon you print off the internet)

MFR - Manufacturer

MQ - Manufacturer coupon

MIR - Mail in Rebate

OOP - Out Of Pocket

YMMV- Your Mileage May Vary (you may find the item priced differently or it may not work for you the same)

PG - Proctor & Gamble Sunday insert coupons

RP - Red Plum Sunday insert coupons

SS - Smartsource Sunday insert coupons

V - Valassis (former name of Red Plum inserts)

Regional - Coupon value only distributed to a certain area

UPC - “Universal Product Code”. It is that box of black lines that the checker passes over the scanner at the checkout.

WYB - When You Buy

WSL - While Supply Lasts

SASE - Self Addressed Stamped Envelope

CRT - Cash Register Tape (coupon that prints on your receipt)

ECB - Extra Care Buck (CVS)

ESR - Easy Saver Rebate (Walgreens)

RR - Register Rewards (these are the Catalinas that print out at Walgreens)

SCR- Single Check Rebate (rebate system at Rite Aid)


  1. I never knew some of these terms...thanks for posting. I have a feeling I'll be coming here quite often! I LOVE getting good deals! Thanks Mom!

    Love Emily!

  2. YEAH- YOU DID IT!!!!! I am so excited I am linking you up to mine :)
